Hello…its me

I am here to apologize for the fact I have not been posting updates on my college experience. Last time I posted was freshman year I believe and now I am about to begin my second semester of my sophomore year. I am very excited because I am almost done with college. Although I love college I am just looking forward to adult hood.
Other than that let me update you what I have been up to. I am a second semester sophomore majoring in psychology with a minor in art. I absolutely love it. From the academics to the social life and dorm living it is just fantastic. I really enjoy my school because it is a small campus and the learning style for from the professors know how to accommodate you because they understand where you are coming from.
Let me give you an idea of what type of college I am at I am in. I attend a college exclusively for learning differences. For now I plan not to really announce where I go due to privacy reasons but I hope to eventually give more background in the future.
However, my goal for this blog is to give college lifestyle tips and just tips for living you happiest self whether or not you are diagnosed with a learning difference or special needs or neither.
Lately I have been struggling to find happiness. I want to research and engage of learning about positivity and what it can do. As a psychology major I get to learn about how the brain works. The brain works in many ways that are indescribable sometimes it can get to be meaning they can take time to understand.
Nevertheless, happiness is supposed to be a happy subject. I hope reading my blogs is entertaining and makes you smile.
As I am currently writing this I am actually heading back to school on an airplane. I am not nervous but I am excited. I plan to create my blog schedule when I get settled. My goal is to plan my days to blogs accordingly to what my priorities are. The readers who read my blogs are definitely a priority. I cannot wait to share more of my journey in college.
Again I really apologize on my absence for posting. I also apologize for not making a long blog post today.
I hope you have a wonderful day or night whenever you are reading this and I am excited to share more!


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